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  • History of Hida Takayama

    in Gifu Prefucture

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    Paleolithic Period



    Step into the ancient past of Japan, wherethe journey through history begins with the Paleolithic Period.
    Imagine a time when the Japanese archipelagowas connected to the Asian continent, and early hunters roamed the land in pursuit of prey.
    These resourceful individuals relied ontheir keen instincts and primitive tools to survive, crafting chipped stone tools from natural materials like stone and bone.
    Their nomadic lifestyle was characterizedby constant movement, as they traversed the landscape in search of food and shelter.

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    the Jomon period 



    Emerging from the shadows of the Paleolithic age, the Jomon period marks a significant milestone in Japan's cultural evolution. It is a time when humanity's ingenuity flourished, paving the way for settled communities and the emergence of a vibrant cultural tapestry.
    During the Jomon period, a pivotal shiftoccurred with the advent of earthenware, revolutionizing the way people lived and interacted with their environment.
    The invention of pottery expanded thepossibilities for food storage and preparation, allowing for a more diverse diet that included nuts and fish.
    This newfound abundance, coupled withfavorable climatic conditions brought about by global warming, laid the foundation for settled communities to take root across the Japanese






    There are many ruins from the Jomon period in Takayama City.


    The YuzetsusenToki (有舌尖頭器) used 10,000 years ago and the Oshikatamon Doki(押型文土器) used 8000 years ago have been discovered, showing that people have lived there for quite a long time.


    Among the sites in the city, the Donosora ruin堂之上遺跡) in Kuguno is designated as a national historic site, and the AsabachigataDoki浅鉢形土器) excavated from the Nukazuka ruin in Katanomachi is designated as a national important cultural property.

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    the Kofun period



    At the heart of the Kofun period lies therise of the Yamato polity, a formidable entity that emerged from the fertile lands of the Yamato region, present-day Nara Prefecture. Led by influential
    leaders and figures like Himiko, the Yamato power swiftly asserted its dominance, extending its reach from Kyushu in the south to the southern part of the Tohoku region in the north.



    tumuli ,ancient tomb(kohun) have been constructed since the middle of the 5th century. The FuitoOzuka(冬頭王塚古墳) Tumulus, built in the fifth century, and the Akahogi Tumulus Cluster

    (あかほぎ古墳群), designated as a prefectural historic site, are believed to be the oldest tumuli in the Hida region.


    the Tumulus period, the Kogeguchi Tumulus in Kokufu, which is designated as a historic site by the prefecture, the Komaruyama Tumulus in Sanfukuji Town, the Iwaya Tumulus in Nishinishiki , and the Terao Tumulus Group in Kamikiri Town were built. Yokoanabo tombs(横穴墓)
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    the Asuka/ Nara period



    Embark on a captivating journey through theannals of Japanese history as we unravel the mysteries of the Asuka period, a pivotal era marked by ambitious reforms and political upheaval. During this
    transformative time, visionaries like Prince Shotoku and Emperor Suiko sought to establish Japan as a formidable Ritsuryo nation, governed by a centralized system centered around the emperor.

    Under the leadership of Emperor Suiko, theinfluential statesman Sogano Umako, and the revered Prince Shotoku, sweeping reforms were set in motion to fortify the nation's foundations. A system and constitution were meticulously crafted to consolidate power under the imperial throne, laying the groundwork for a unified state.


    Japan embarked on a journey towards a morecentralized governance structure, culminating in the establishment of Heijo-kyo, modeled after the illustrious Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty, as the imperial capital. Thus, the vibrant Nara period was inaugurated, characterized by its flourishing culture, vibrant political scene, and enduring legacy of the Asuka period's transformative reforms.



    Taika Reform of 645CE established the tax system, but since Hida was a mountainous country, textiles and other materials were exempted, it means Hida People did not have to pay tax.

    instead of that ,They must go to the capital for 250 to 300 days a year to build palaces and temples.  


    10 people were assigned to each of 50 houses, and it seems that around 100 artisans from Hida participated in the construction of the capital every year.


    Fine buildings were built in the capital of Nara by skilled Hida craftsmen.

    However, it seems that some people ran away because their jobs were tought and difficult.




    "Things are always in my mind, and the only way is in the Suminawa rope that the Hida people strike."

    This Manyoshu poem is a line drawn by a Hida craftsman with a Suminawa rope, which the artist overlays with his own single-minded love.

    It can be seen that in the Nara period, when Manyoshu was created, Hida craftsmen were already synonymous with good carpenters.


    In the Nara period, infectious diseases spread and famine occurred in various places, and people were anxious every day.  

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    the Heian / Muromachi period



    Embark on a captivating journey through theannals of Japanese history as we unravel the complex tapestry of the Heian Period, a time of profound transformation and shifting power dynamics.

    Asthe curtains rose on this illustrious era, the aristocracy, spearheaded by the formidable Fujiwara clan, ascended to unparalleled heights of influence, orchestrating a delicate dance of politics and intrigue within the hallowed halls of the Imperial Court.

    Amidst the corridors of power, however,cracks began to form in the aristocracy's hegemony. Despite their lofty position, the Fujiwara clan found themselves grappling with the burdens of mismanagement, as their inability to effectively oversee family registers and land ownership led to a precipitous decline in their financial fortunes.

    In the midst of this tumult, a new forceemerged on the horizon – the samurai. Empowered by their control over vast swathes of farmland and wealth, powerful clans began to arm themselves and
    their peasants, effectively forming private militias to safeguard their interests. With the Imperial Court struggling to maintain public order in the face of mounting challenges, the reins of authority gradually slipped from their grasp, as powerful clans assumed greater control over regional

    As tensions simmered and rebellions flaredacross the land, it was the mighty Taira clan that emerged as the preeminent power within the Imperial Court.

    However, their dominance was short-lived, assimmering resentment among the Imperial family culminated in a seismic power struggle. Joining forces with the formidable Minamoto clan, the Imperial family orchestrated a dramatic overthrow of the Taira, reshaping the political
    landscape of Japan forever.




    When the Taira family took over the country, Hida became the Taira family's territory.  

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    Kamakura period


    With the dust settled and the Taira vanquished, Minamotono Yoritomo emerged as the undisputed victor, heralding the dawn of a new era – the Kamakura Period.

    As Yoritomo ascended to power andestablished the Kamakura shogunate, Japan underwent a profound transformation,marking the beginning of a tumultuous chapter in its storied history.

    For centuries, the Imperial Court hadreigned supreme, with power centralized around the divine authority of theEmperor. However, with the dawn of the Kamakura Period, a seismic shift occurred as the reins of governance passed into the hands of the samurai, under
    the auspices of the Kamakura Shogunate.





    Its center is known as the present-day Sanfuku-ji Town, where Sanbutsuji-jo Castle was built. It is also believed that during the Kamakura period, the political center shifted to the present-day provincial towns of Hirose-go and Arakigo-go.


    At the end of the Muromachi period, TakayamaGeki高山外記)built a castle on Mt. Tenjin, now Shiroyama. Therefore, it is said that the area near the castle of TakayamaGeki was called Takayama.

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    Sengoku period



    Step into the dynamic world of Japan'stumultuous past as we journey through the captivating epoch known as the "Sengoku Period," a time characterized by upheaval, conflict, and the relentless pursuit of power.
    Against the backdrop of a weakening Muromachi Shogunate, the Sengoku Period emerged as an era where the acquisition of territory and influence was dictated by the sword.

    As the authority of the central governmentwaned, powerful samurai lords across the realm seized the opportunity to assert their dominance, challenging the traditional hierarchy of governance.
    Amidst this backdrop of political turmoil,Japan descended into a state of "gekokujo," where the social order was upended, and the prevailing power structures were overturned.
    Inthis era of upheaval, strength and cunning became paramount, as samurai vied for supremacy on the battlefield, and alliances were forged and broken with breathtaking swiftness.

    Amidst the chaos of warring states, one figureemerged as a beacon of change – Oda Nobunaga, a formidable warlord whose ambition knew no bounds.
    Nobunaga's vision of a unified Japanpropelled him to the forefront of the Sengoku Daimyo, as he waged relentless campaigns to extend his influence across the land. However, his ambitions were
    cut short by betrayal, as rebellion within his own ranks led to his untimely demise on the battlefield.

    Yet, from the ashes of Nobunaga's legacyrose Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a brilliant strategist and Nobunaga's trusted lieutenant. With unwavering determination, Hideyoshi carried forth his master's
    dream of national unity, ultimately succeeding in bringing an end to centuries of discord and division.

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    Edo period



    Embark on a journey through time to explorethe illustrious Edo period, an era of tranquility and transformation that shaped the course of Japanese history for over two centuries. At the helm of
    this remarkable epoch stood Tokugawa Ieyasu, a visionary leader whose innovative policies ushered in an era of unprecedented peace and stability.

    With the establishment of the EdoShogunate, Tokugawa Ieyasu set out to consolidate his power and establish firm control over the realm. Employing astute strategies such as alternate attendance and the Buke Shohatto, Ieyasu effectively curtailed the economic and political influence of the daimyo, fostering a centralized system of governance. Under his leadership, a hierarchical class structure comprising samurai, farmers, artisans, and merchants was meticulously crafted to delineate
    societal roles and maintain order.

    Central to the ideological underpinnings ofthe Edo Shogunate was the adoption of Neo-Confucianism, a philosophy rooted in Confucian principles, which served as the guiding ethos of governance and education. Embracing this worldview enabled the Shogunate to propagate values
    conducive to social harmony and obedience, ensuring the longevity of its reign.





    Later, Mr Miki , which had power in southern Hida, advanced to Takayama and built Matsukura-jo Castle. However, Mr Miki , which disobeyed Toyotomi Hideyoshi, was destroyed by Toyotomi Hideyoshi retainer, Kanamori Nagachika.


    after defeating the Miki , Kanamori Nagachika became the lord of Hida Province In 1586.


    At first, Nagachika built a castle and castle town on Nabeyama in Urushigaitomachi, but he decided to build it on Tenjinyama Kojo (now Shiroyama) because of the land conditions.


    Construction of the castle began in 1588, completing the Honmaru and Ninomaru in 13 years, followed by the Sannomaru in 3 years. Records show that it was a magnificent castle.


    Along with the construction of the castle, the castle town is also being improved. The high ground surrounding the castle was designated as a samurai district, and the lower ground was designated as a town for townspeople. Temples and shrines were relocated and built at the foot of the mountain on the east side.


    Important measures include the promotion of commerce and the development of mining and forest resources.


    The Kanamori clan's reign lasted for six generations and 107 years, but on July 28, 1692, in the era of Yoritoki, the Kanamori clan's government was abruptly transferred to Kaminoyama, Dewa Province (present-day Kaminoyama City, Yamagata Prefecture), ending.


    After the Kanamori clan was transferred to another province, Hida became under the direct control of the shogunate, with Kanto Gundai's Ina Hanjuro Tadaatsu serving concurrently as daikan, and Kanazawa lord Maeda Tsunanori assigned to stay in Takayama-jo Castle.


    On January 12, 1695, the shogunate government(bakufu) ordered Takayama-jo Castle to be demolished, and the demolition began on April 22 of the same year. On June 18, Takayama-jo Castle was completed and returned to the domain. The period under the direct control of the shogunate government(bakufu) lasted for the 25th generation and 177 years, and local magistrates (from the 12th generation to the Gundai) from Edo conducted politics at Takayama Jinya.


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    Meiji period



    Meiji Period, a transformativeepoch that laid the groundwork for the modern nation we know today.

    Asthe Imperial Court reclaimed authority from the shogunate, a new era of progress and innovation dawned with the establishment of the Meiji Government, heralding an era of sweeping reforms and cultural revitalization.

    Amidst the winds of change, the bustlingcity of Edo underwent a symbolic transformation, emerging anew as Tokyo, the pulsating heart of Japan's burgeoning modernity.

    Embracing the ethos of "Enrich thecountry and strengthen the military," the Meiji Government embarked on an ambitious mission to propel Japan into the ranks of global powers, drawing
    inspiration from Western models of governance and technology.

    Gone were the vestiges of feudalism thatdefined the Edo period, as antiquated systems yielded to the tide of progress.
    With bold strokes, the government dismantled the traditional class structure
    and embraced a more egalitarian vision of society, fostering opportunities for
    social mobility and economic advancement.





    In 1876 (1876), Gifu Prefecture was established, combining Mino and Hida.


    In 1875, Takayama Ichinomachi village, Ninomachi village, and Sannomachi village merged to form Takayama town. At that time, it was the largest town in Gifu Prefecture.


    Then, in 1889 (1889), a new town system was implemented.


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    Taisho period


    Step into the dynamic realm of Taisho Period, a pivotal chapter marked by fervent aspirations for
    modernization amidst the backdrop of global upheaval. As the world plunged into
    the depths of World War I, Japan found itself drawn into the fray, navigating
    the complexities of international conflict while charting a course toward
    progress and prosperity.

    While the ravages of war cast a long shadowover much of the globe, Japan emerged relatively unscathed, seizing upon newfound opportunities for economic expansion and global engagement. Buoyed by increased exports to overseas markets, the nation experienced an unprecedented
    era of growth and prosperity, fueling hopes of a brighter future for its citizens.

    Yet, amidst the heady promise of progress,the specter of post-war depression loomed large, casting a pall over the nation's newfound prosperity and plunging many into economic hardship.

    Amidst the tumult of change, the seeds ofdemocracy and liberalism took root, germinating into a vibrant tapestry of social movements and political reform. With the landmark establishment of universal suffrage in 1925, Japan embarked on a transformative journey toward a more inclusive and participatory form of governance, where the voices of its
    citizens wielded newfound influence over the trajectory of national politics.






    In 1926, Nada Village was merged, and in 1936, Onada Town was merged to become Takayama City. In addition, in 1943, it merged with Hozuemura village and in 1955 with Ohachigamura village. 


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    showa period




    Step into the tumultuous tapestry ofJapan's Showa Era, a period characterized by seismic shifts in life, values, culture, and economy that left an indelible mark on the nation's history.
    Emerging from the crucible of economic hardship wrought by successive depressions—the Showa Financial Depression, Postwar Depression, and the devastating aftermath of the Great Kanto Earthquake—Japan found itself grappling with profound challenges on the road to recovery.

    Amidst this backdrop of uncertainty andadversity, the military apparatus, seeking to chart a path toward national resurgence, embarked on a course of militaristic expansionism, precipitating Japan's involvement in the Sino-Japanese War and ultimately, the cataclysmic maelstrom of World War II. The harrowing climax of the conflict came with the catastrophic devastation wrought by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, signaling the unequivocal end of Japan's wartime ambitions and the onset of a new era of reconstruction and renewal.

    Under the auspices of the Allied Occupationled by General Douglas MacArthur and the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP), Japan underwent a profound transformation, as the country grappled with the imperatives of demilitarization, democratization, and economic restructuring. Against the backdrop of the Korean War and burgeoning trade ties with the American military, Japan witnessed a remarkable resurgence, catapulting the nation into an era of unprecedented economic growth and prosperity.

    The ensuing decades saw Japan emerge as aglobal economic powerhouse, as the nation's manufacturing prowess and technological innovation fueled a period of sustained expansion and rising living standards for its citizens. However, the heady heights of the economic boom were accompanied by the specter of excess and instability, as Japan found itself ensnared in the dizzying euphoria of the bubble era—a frenetic epoch characterized by rampant speculation, inflated asset prices, and unsustainable growth trajectories.



    On February 1, 2005, it was merged with 9 towns and villages: Nyuukawa , Kiyomi, Shokawa, Miya, Kuguno, Asahi , Takane, Kokufu , and Kamitakara, resulting in Takayama City.