Tayakaya EMA

Hand Painted Ema

Tayakaya EMA - Hand Painted Ema is Paper or Wooden Designed Prayer Requests with paintings of horses.

hand-painted votive plaques, known as Tayakaya EMA, that offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Hida Takayama's craft culture.

Born from ancient customs and steeped in tradition, Tayakaya EMA embodies the symbiotic relationship between nature, spirituality, and community that defines the essence of this enchanting region.

In the heart of Hida Takayama, a custom once prevailed where farmers adorned their stables with paper votive tablets, adorned with images of cows and horses, to beseech the protection of their livestock and bountiful harvests.

Today, two distinct types of Tayakaya EMA grace the shelves of local markets: those meticulously hand-drawn and those embellished with woodblock prints, each carrying prayers for the safety of families and the prosperity of businesses.

These sacred tablets, once offered to Matsukura Kannon, now find their way into homes and businesses, where they adorn entrances as talismans of prosperity and well-being.

Originally crafted to safeguard cattle and horses and ensure agricultural prosperity, paper ema have evolved into symbols of good fortune and auspiciousness, cherished by locals and visitors alike.